Note: A search of Google Scholar as of 5/9/2022 indicated that there are currently 11,596 citations of my work present in the contemporary literature. H index is 50. * or R indicates refereed articles
Invited Papers
Piedmont, R. L., Fox, J., Copello, E. (2021). “Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me:” Using the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments Scale (ASPIRES) in a socially and economically marginalized rescue mission sample. Religions, 12, 474.
Pirson, M., Piedmont, R., Town, S., Nagy, N., Haber, J., MacDonald, I., Janssen, C., Teague, J., Hollwitz, J., Gurtada, J. (2021). I was transformed, but I didn’t love the process: Testing students’ learning and feedback of the new ‘humanistic’ management course. Journal of Jesuit Business Education.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2021). Putting the science back in the scientific study of religiousness and spirituality: A commentary on Paloutzian an d Park (2021). Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 13, 19-23. doi:
*Piedmont, R. L., Fox, J., & Toscano, M. E. (2020). Spiritual crisis as a unique predictor of emotional and characterological impairment in atheists and agnostics: Numinous motivations as universal psychological qualities. Religions.
*Fox, J., & Piedmont, R. L. (2020). Religious crisis as an independent causal predictor of psychological distress: Understanding the unique role of the numinous for intrapsychic functioning. Religions, 11. doi:10.3390/rel11070329
*Robertson, T. M., Magyar-Russell, G. M., & Piedmont, R. L. (in press). Let Him Who is without Sin Cast the First Stone: Religious Struggle among Persons Convicted of Sexually Offending. Religions.
Piedmont, R. L. (in press). The Numinous Motivation Inventory: A second generation measure of spirituality. In L. Miller (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Religion (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Oxford.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2017). Knowing and understanding: A personal integration. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 4, 288-291.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2017). Piedmont, Ralph L. In V. Zeigler-Hill, & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_280-1
*Piedmont, R. L., & Toscano, M. E. (2017). Self-report inventories. In A. E. Wenzel (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications
*Piedmont, R. L., & Rodgerson, T. E. (2017). Cross-over analysis: Using the FFM and the NEO PI-3 for assessing compatibility and conflict in couples. In T. Widiger (Ed.), Oxford University Handbook of the Five-Factor Model. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
*Piedmont, R. L., & Toscano, M. E. (2016). Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) Scale. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (pp.1-5). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_87-1
*Braganza, D. J., & Piedmont, R. L. (2015). The impact of the Core Transformation process on spirituality, symptom experience, and psychological maturity in a mixed age sample in India: A pilot study. Journal of Religion and Health, 54, 888-902.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2014). Looking back and finding our way forward: An editorial call to action. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 4, 265-267.
*Piedmont, R. L., Magyar-Russell, G., DiLella, N., & Matter, S. (2014). Sense of Coherence: Big Five correlates, spirituality, and incremental validity. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 2, 1-9.Students as Co-Authors
*Piedmont, R. L., Wilkins, T. A., Hollwitz, J. (2013). The relevance of spiritual transcendence in a consumer economy: The dollars and sense of it. Journal of Social Research and Policy, 4, 59-77.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2013). A short history of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality: Providing growth and meaning for Division 36. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 5, 1-5.
*Piedmont, R. L., & Wilkins, T. A. (2013). The role of personality in understanding religious and spiritual constructs (pp. 292-311). In R. F. Paloutzian & C. L. Park (Eds.). The Handbook of the Psychology of Religion (2nd Ed). New York, NY: Guilford.
*Piedmont, R. L., Sherman, M. F., & Sherman N.C. (2012). Maladaptively high and low openness: The case for experiential permeability. Journal of Personality, 80, 1641-1668.
*Piedmont, R. L., & Rodgerson, T. E. (2013). Cross-over analysis: Using the FFM and NEO PI-R for assessing couples (pp. 375-394). In P. T. Costa and T. A. Widiger (Eds.), Personality disorders and the five-factor model of personality ( 3rd ed). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
* Piedmont, R. L. (2012). Overview and development of a trait-based measure of numinous constructs: The Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale. In L. Miller (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Psychology of Spirituality and Consciousness (pp. 104-122). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
*Piedmont, R. L., & Wilkins, T. A. (2013). Spirituality, religiousness, and personality: Theoretical foundations and empirical applications. In K. I. Pargament (Ed.). Handbook of Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality (pp. 173-186). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
*Piedmont, R.L, & Friedman, P. H. (2011). Spirituality, religiosity, and quality of life. In K. Land, A. Michalos, & M. Sirgy (Eds.). Handbook of social indicators and quality of life research. Dodrecht, Netherlands: Springer Publishers. R
Piedmont, R.L. (2010). The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire. In. I.B Weiner, & W.E. Craighead (Eds.). The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, fourth edition (pp. 1603-1605). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
*Piedmont, R.L. (2009). The contribution of religiousness and spirituality to subjective well-being and satisfaction with life (pp. 89-105). In L.J. Francis (Ed.). International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Well-being. New York: Springer. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (2009). Personality, spirituality, religiousness and the personality disorders: Predictive relations and treatment implications (pp. 173-189). In P. Huguelet & H.G. Koenig (Eds.). Religion/spirituality and psychiatry: What clinicians need to know. New York: Cambridge University Press. R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2007). Spirituality as a robust empirical predictor of psychosocial outcomes: A cross-cultural analysis (pp. 117-134). In R. Estes (Ed.). Advancing quality of life in a turbulent world. New York: Springer. R
Piedmont, R. L. (2006). Are measures of rigidity biased against religiously committed individuals? A question that still needs to be articulated and answered. Archiv für Religionspsychologie, 28, 114-121.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2005). The role of personality in understanding religious and spiritual constructs. In R. F. Paloutzian & C. L. Park (Eds.), The Handbook of the Psychology of Religion (pp. 253-273). New York: Guilford. R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2005). Review of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (pp. 98-101). In B.T. Erford (Ed.), The counselor’s guide to clinical, personality, and behavioral assessment. Lahaska, PA: Lahaska/Harcourt-Brace. R
Costa, P.T., Jr., & Piedmont, R.L. (2003). Interpretation of Revised NEO Personality Inventory profiles of Madeline G.: Self, partner, and an integrated perspective. In J.S. Wiggins (Ed.), Paradigms of personality assessment. New York: Guilford Press.
*Piedmont, R. L. (2004). A selective overview of personality and its assessment (pp. 443-453). In B. Erford (Ed.). Professional school counseling: A handbook of theories, programs, and practices. Austin, TX: CAPS Press. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Bain, E., McCrae, R.R., & Costa, P.T., Jr. (2002). The applicability of the five-factor model in a sub-Saharan culture: The NEO PI-R in Shona (pp. 155-174). In R. McCrae & J. Allik (Eds.), The Five-Factor Model across cultures. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Leach, M.M. (2002). Cross-cultural generalizability of the Spiritual Transcendence Scale in India: Spirituality as a universal aspect of human experience. American Behavioral Scientist, 45, 1886-1899. R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2001). Spiritual Transcendence and the scientific study of spirituality. Journal of Rehabilitation, 67(1), 4-14. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1999). Does spirituality represent the sixth factor of personality? Spiritual transcendence and the five-factor model. Journal of Personality, 67, 985-1013. R
*Rayburn, C., Richmond, L., Goetz, D., & Piedmont, R.L. (1998). Spheres of leadership: Home, school, community, work, ecclesia. In S.M. Natale, R.P. Hoffman, & G. Hayward (Eds.), Corporate structures, business, and the management of values (Vol IV). NY: University Press of America. R
Nygren, D.J., & Piedmont, R.L. (1988). Issues of status, power, and role definition in males’ religious identity: Results of a national survey. In P. Armstrong (Ed.). Who are my brothers? Cleric-lay relationships in men’s religious communities. NY: Alba House.
Books and Chapters
Piedmont, R. L. (2020). Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments, Technical manual (3rd Ed.). Timonium, MD: Author.
Piedmont, R. L., & Wilkins, T. A. (2020). Understanding the psychological soul of spirituality: A guidebook for research and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Piedmont, R. L. (2017). Numinous Motivation Inventory: Preliminary Technical Manual. Timonium, MD: Author.
Piedmont, R. L., & Village, A. (2014). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 25). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L., & Village, A. (2013). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 24). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L., & Village, A. (2012). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 23). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L., & Village, A. (2011). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 22). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L., & Village, A. (2010). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 21). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2010). Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments, Technical manual (2nd Ed.). Timonium, MD: Author.
Piedmont, R. L., & Village, A. (2009). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 20). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2008). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 19). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2007). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 18). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2006). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 17). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2005). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 16). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Piedmont, R. L., & Moberg, D. O. (2004). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 15). Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2004). Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments, Technical manual. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Piedmont, R. L., & Moberg, D. O. (2003). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 14). Leiden: The Netherlands, Brill.
Piedmont, R. L., & Moberg, D. O. (2002). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 13). Leiden: The Netherlands, Brill.
Piedmont, R. L. (2001). Test review for the Traumatic Symptom Inventory. Newsnotes, 36(2), 3-4.
Piedmont, R. L., & Moberg, D. O. (2001). Research in the scientific study of religion (vol. 12). Leiden: The Netherlands, Brill.
Chrisler, J.C., Anderson, D.D., Fleming, M.Z., Piedmont, R.L., & Hiam, C.M. (2000). Teaching abnormal psychology through the arts and literature. In M.E. Ware & D.E. Johnson (Eds.). Handbook of demonstrations and activities in the teaching of psychology, Vol III: Personality, abnormal, clinical-counseling, and social (2nd Ed). (pp 67-77). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
*Chen, M. C., & Piedmont, R. L. (1999). Development and validation of the NEO PI-R for a Taiwanese sample. In T. Sugiman, M. Karasawa, J. H. Liu, & C. Ward (Eds.), Progress in Asian social psychology: Theoretical and empirical contributions, Volume II (pp. 105-119). Seoul, Korea: Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa Publishing Co. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1998). The Revised NEO Personality Inventory: Clinical and Research Applications. NY: Plenum Press.
Piedmont, R.L. (1998). Test review for the Employee Assistance Program Inventory. Newsnotes 32(4), 3-4.
Piedmont, R.L. (1997). Test review for the NEO PI-R. Newsnotes, 32(3), 3-4.
Mostofsky, D.I., & Piedmont, R.L. (1985). Therapeutic practice in behavioral medicine. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
*Le, Y., Piedmont, R. L., & Wilkins, T. A. (in press). Spirituality, Religiousness, and Personality as Predictors of Stress and Resilience among Middle-Aged Vietnamese-Born American Catholics. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture.
*Piotrowski, J. P., Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Piedmont, R. L.,& Baran, T. (2021). Polish adaptation of the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale and examining a spiritual transcendence nomological net. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality,13, 36-45. doi:
*Braganza, D. J., Piedmont, R. L., Fox, J., Fialkowski, G. M., & Gray, R. M. (2019). Examining the Clinical Efficacy of Core Transformation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Counseling and Development, 97, 293-305.
*Burnham, M. J., Le, Y.K., & Piedmont, R. L. (2018). Who is MTurk? Personal characteristics and sample consistency of these online workers. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 21, 934-944. DOI:10.1080/13674676.2018.1486394
Simkin, H., & Piedmont, R. L. (2018). Adaptation and Validation of the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale long and short forms into Spanish. In A. Galarza (Ed.), 1o Jornadas CLACIP Psicológica Evaluación. Evaluación Psicológica y Psicometría Puentes entre ciencia y práctica (pp. 33–34). Mar del Plata: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
Simkin, H. & Piedmont, R. L. (2018). Adaptation and validation of the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale short form into Spanish. LatinoAmerican Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 97-107.
*Robertson, T. M., Jangha, A., Piedmont, R. L., & Sherman, M. F. (2017). Factor structure and personality disorder correlates of responses to the 50-item IPIP Big Five Factor marker scale. Journal of Social Research and Policy, 8, 5-17.
*Piedmont, R. L., & Braganza, D. J. (2015). Psychometric evaluation of responses to the NEO PI-3 in a multi-ethnic sample of adults in India. Psychological Assessment, 4, 1253-1263.
*Boudreaux, M.J., Piedmont, R.L., Sherman, M.F., & Ozer, D.J. (2013). Identifying personality-related problems in living: The Multi-Context Problems Checklist. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95, 62-73.
*Brown, I.T., Chen, T., Gehlert, N.C., & Piedmont, R.L. (2013). Age and gender effects on the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale: A cohort analysis. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 5, 90-98.
*Wilkins, T.A., Piedmont, R. L., & Magyar-Russell, G. M. (2012). Spirituality or religiousness: Which serves as the better predictor of elements of mental health. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 23, 53-73.
*Piedmont, R. L., Sherman, M. F., Sherman, N. C., Dy-Liacco, G. S., & Williams, J. E. G. (2009). Using the five-factor model to identify a new personality disorder domain: The case for experiential permeability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 1245-1258. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Ciarrocchi, J.W., Dy-Liacco, G.S., & Williams, J.E.G. (2009). The empirical and conceptual value of the Spiritual Transcendence and Religious Involvement Scales for personality research. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 1, 162-179. R
*Piedmont, R. L., Werdel, M.B., & Deneke, E. (2009). A psychometric evaluation of the Spiritual Surrender Scale in an outpatient substance abuse treatment sample. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 27, 213-222. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Werdel, M. B., & Fernando, M. (2009). The utility of the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale with Christians and Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 20, 131-146. R
Piedmont, R.L. (2009). Introduction. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 1, 1-2.
*Dy-Liacco, G.S., Piedmont, R.L., Murray-Swank, N.A., Rodgerson, T.E., & Sherman, M.F. (2009). Spirituality and religiosity as cross-cultural aspects of human experience. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 1, 35-52. R
*Landis, S. K., Sherman, M. F., Piedmont, R. L., Kirkhart, M. W., Rapp, E.M., & Bike, D.H. (2008). The relation between elevation and self-reported prosocial behavior: Incremental validity over the five-factor model of personality. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3(4), 1-14. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Kennedy, M.C., Sherman, M.F., Sherman, N.C., & Williams, J.E.G. (2008). A psychometric evaluation of the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) scale short form. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 19, 163-181.R
*Piedmont, R. L., Hassinger, C. J., Rhorer, J., Sherman, M. F., Sherman, N. C., & Williams, J. E. G. (2007). The relations among spirituality and religiosity and Axis II functioning in two college samples. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 18, 53- 73. R
*Galea, M., Ciarrocchi, J. W., Piedmont, R. L., Wicks, R. J. (2007). Child abuse, personality and spirituality as predictors of happiness in Maltese college students. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 18, 141-154. R
*Walsh, J.M., Ciarrocchi, J.W., Piedmont, R.L., & Haskins, D. (2007). Spiritual Transcendence and religious practices in recovery from pathological gambling: Reducing pain or enhancing quality of life? Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 18,155-176. R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2007). Cross-cultural generalizability of the Spiritual Transcendence Scale to the Philippines: Spirituality as a human universal. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 10, 89-107. R
*Piedmont, R. L. & Aycock, W. (2007). An historical analysis of the lexical emergence of the Big Five personality adjective descriptors. Personality and Individual Differences, 42, 1059-1068. R
*Piedmont, R. L., Mapa, A. T., & Williams, J. E. G. (2006). A factor analysis of the Fetzer/NIA Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality (MMRS). Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 17, 177-196. R
*Dy-Liacco, G. S., Kennedy, M. C., Parker, D. J., & Piedmont, R. L. (2005). Spiritual Transcendence as an unmediated causal predictor of psychological growth and worldview among Filipinos. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 16, 261-286. R
*Horn, M. J., Piedmont, R. L., Fialkowski, G. M., Wicks, R. J., & Hunt, M. E. (2005). Sexuality and spirituality: The Embodied Spirituality Scale. Theology and Sexuality, 12, 81-102. R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2004). The logoplex as a paradigm for understanding spiritual transcendence. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 15, 263-284. R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2004). Spiritual Transcendence as a predictor of psychosocial outcome from an outpatient substance abuse program. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18, 213-222. R
*Golden, J., Piedmont, R.L., Ciarrocchi, J.W., Rodgerson, T. (2004). Spirituality and burnout: An incremental validity study. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 32, 115-125. R
*Dy-Liacco, G.S., Piedmont, R.L., Leach, M.M., & Nelson, R.W. (2003). A content analysis of Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion from 1997 to 2001: Where we have been and where we hope to go. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 14, 277-288. R
*Ciarrocchi, J.W., Piedmont, R.L., Williams, J.E.G. (2003). Love thy neighbor: Spirituality and personality as predictors of prosocial behavior in men and women. Research in the Social
*Bartlett, S. J., Piedmont, R.L., Bilderback, A. Matsumoto, A.K., & Bathon, J.M. (2003). Spirituality, well-being and quality of life in persons with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 49, 778-783. R
*Cheston, S.E., Piedmont, R.L., Eanes, B., & Lavin, L.P. (2003). Changes in clients’ Images of God over the course of outpatient therapy. Counseling and Values, 47, 96-108. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Sherman, M.F., Sherman, N.C., & Williams, J.E.G. (2003). A first look at the DSM-IV SCID personality screening questionnaire: More than just a screener? Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36, 150-160. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Ciarrocchi, J. W., & Williams, J.E.G. (2002). A components analysis of ones= Image of God. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 13, 109-123. R
*Ciarrocchi, J. W., Piedmont, R.L., & Williams, J.E.G. (2002). Image of God and personality as predictors of spirituality in men and women. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 13, 55-73. R
*Leach, M. M., Piedmont, R. L., & Monteiro, D. (2001). Images of God among Christians, Hindus, and Muslims in India. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 12, 207-226. R
*Piedmont, R. L., & Nelson, R. (2001). A psychometric evaluation of the short form of the Faith Maturity Scale. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 12, 165-184.R
*Piedmont, R. L. (2001). Cracking the plaster cast: Big Five personality change during intensive outpatient counseling. Journal of Research in Personality, 35, 500-520. R
*Haskins, D.G., Piedmont, R.L., Greer, J.G., & Eanes, B.E. (2001). African-American attitudes towards incest and child sexual abuse. Journal of Religion and Abuse, 2, 51-80. R
*Piedmont, R. L., Sherman, M.F., & Barrickman, L. (2000). Brief psychosocial assessment of a clinical sample: An evaluation of the Personal Problems Checklist for Adults. Assessment, 7, 177-187. R
*Piedmont, R.L., McCrae, R.R., Riemann, R., & Angleitner, A. (2000). On the invalidity of validity scales: Evidence from self-reports and observer ratings in volunteer samples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 582-593. R
*Murphy, P.E., Ciarrocchi, J.W., Piedmont, R.L., Cheston, S., Peyrot, M., & Fitchett, G. (2000). The relation of religious belief and practices, depression, and hopelessness in persons with clinical depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 1102-1106. R
*Csarny, R. J., Piedmont, R.L., Sneck, W.J., & Cheston, S.E. (2000). An evaluation of the incremental validity of the Spiritual Experience Index-Revised. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 11, 117-131. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1999) Strategies for using the five-factor model of personality in religious research. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 27, 338-350. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Ciarrocchi, J.W. (1999). The psychometric utility of the NEO PI-R in an outpatient, drug rehabilitation context. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 13, 213-226. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Hill, D., & Blanco, S. (1999). Predicting athletic performance using the five-factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 769-777. R
*McCrae, R.R., Costa, P.T., Jr., de Lima, M.P., Simões, A., Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A., Maruši, I., Bratko, D., Caprara, G.V., Barbaranelli, C., Chae, J-H., & Piedmont, R.L. (1999). Age differences in personality across the adult life span: Parallels in five cultures. Developmental Psychology, 35, 466-477. R
*Rodgerson, T.E., & Piedmont, R.L. (1998). Assessing the incremental validity of the Religious Problem-Solving Scale in the prediction of clergy burnout. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 37, 517-527. R
*Ciarrocchi, J.W., Piedmont, R.L., & Williams, J.E.G. (1998). “Who do you say I am?” Personality and gender dimensions in the images of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 9, 127-145. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Williams, J.E.G., & Ciarrocchi, J.W. (1997). Personality correlates of one’s image of Jesus: An historiographic analysis using the five-factor model. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 25, 363-372. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Chae, J-H. (1997). Cross-cultural generalizability of the five-factor model of personality: Development and validation of the NEO PI-R for Koreans. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 28, 131-155. R
*Chae, J-H., Piedmont, R.L., Estadt, B., & Wicks, R. (1995). Personological evaluation of Clance’s Impostor Phenomenon Scale in a Korean sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 65, 468-485. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1995). Big Five adjective marker scales for use with college students. Psychological Reports, 77, 160-162. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1995). Another look at fear of success, fear of failure, and test anxiety: A motivational analysis using the five-factor model. Sex Roles, 32, 139-158. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1994). Validation of the rater form of the NEO PI-R for college students: Toward a paradigm for measuring personality development. Assessment, 1, 259-268. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Weinstein, H. P. (1994). Predicting supervisor ratings of job performance using the NEO Personality Inventory. Journal of Psychology, 128, 255-265. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1993). A longitudinal analysis of burnout in the health care setting: The role of personal dispositions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 61, 457-473. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Hyland, M.E. (1993). Inter-item correlation frequency distribution analysis: A method for evaluating scale dimensionality. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 53, 369-378. R
*McCrae, R.R., Costa, P.T., Jr., & Piedmont, R.L. (1993). Folk concepts, natural language, and psychological constructs: The California Personality Inventory and the five-factor model. Journal of Personality, 61, 1-26. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Weinstein, H.P. (1993). A psychometric evaluation of the new NEO PI-R facet scales for Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 60, 302-318. R
*Gomez, F., Piedmont, R.L., & Fleming, M.Z. (1992). Factor analysis of the Spanish version of the WAIS: The Escala de Intelegencia Wechsler para Adultos (EIWA). Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 4, 317-321. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Sokolove, R.L., & Fleming, M.Z. (1992). An evaluation of various WAIS-R factor structures in a psychiatric sample. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48, 658-666. R
*Costa, P.T., Jr., Fagan, P.J., Piedmont, R.L., Ponticus, Y, & Wise, T.N. (1992). The five-factor model of personality and sexual functioning in outpatient men and women. Psychiatric Medicine, 10, 199-215. R
*Piedmont, R.L., McCrae, R.R., & Costa, P.T., Jr. (1992). An assessment of the EPPS from the perspective of the five-factor model. Journal of Personality Assessment, 58, 67-78. R
*Piedmont, R.L., McCrae, R.R., & Costa, P.T., Jr. (1991). Adjective check list scales and the five-factor model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 630-637. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Sokolove, R.L., & Fleming, M.Z. (1990). Discriminating personality disorders using the WAIS-R: A comparison of three approaches. Journal of Personality Assessment, 54, 363-378. R
*Fleming, M.Z., Piedmont, R.L., & Hiam, M. (1990). Images of madness: The use of feature film in teaching psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 17, 185-187. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1989). The life activities achievement scale: An act-frequency approach to the measurement of motivation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 49, 863-874. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Sokolove, R.L., & Fleming, M.Z. (1989). An examination of some diagnostic strategies involving the Wechsler Intelligence Scales. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1, 181-185. R
*Piedmont, R.L., Sokolove, R.L., & Fleming, M.Z. (1989). Discriminating psychotic and affective disorders using the WAIS-R. Journal of Personality Assessment, 53, 739-748. R
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*Piedmont, R.L., DiPlacido, J., & Keller, W. (1989). Assessing gender-related differences in achievement orientation using two different achievement scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 53, 229-238. R
*Fleming, M.H., & Piedmont, R.L. (1989). The relationship between academic degree and years of experience to perceptions of occupational therapy status and education. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 9, 101-113. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1988). An interactional model of achievement motivation and fear of success. Sex Roles, 19, 467-490. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1988). The relationship between achievement motivation, anxiety, and situational characteristics on performance on a cognitive task. Journal of Research in Personality, 22, 177-187. R
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*Piedmont, R.L. (1981). Effects of hypnosis and biofeedback upon the regulation of peripheral skin temperature. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 53, 855-862. R
*Piedmont, R.L. (1980). Subject’s selective learning: An insight into the depth-of-processing framework. Psychological Reports, 43, 129-130. R
*Piedmont, R.L., & Kayson, W.A. (1979). Effects of task instructions and passage difficulty on the semantic and nonsemantic processing of linguistic ideas. Psychological Reports, 42, 83-88. R