The NMI is a second generation measure of spiritual dynamics. Based on developments obtained from research with the ASPIRES and the development of a psychologically-based ontological model of spirituality, the NMI sought to solidify this knowledge in a new instrument. The numinous represents those uniquely human psychological dynamics that make religion and spirituality so important to our species. Arising out of our neocortex, that part of our brain that provides us with seemingly unlimited intellectual skills, the numinous captures those dynamics that address the existential issues that confront all humans. Humans can think creatively, abstractly, and insightfully, enabling us to not only understand the universe but to be able to manipulate it in ways that suit our needs. This ability to experience the world in unique ways also creates an internal psychological space that concerns our place and role in the universe as we understand it. How we fit in, our purpose, and our sense of goodness are elements of the numinous. The numinous is a universal psychological quality relevant for understanding the psychic life of all people. Like the ASPIRES, it is capturing the sixth dimension of personality so complements information from the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality. As a next generation measure, its scores also complement and extend those from the ASPIRES.
  • A second generation measure of the numinous that provides a more sophisticated assessment of numinous functioning. Three scales are included that capture essential existential aspects of functioning: Infinitude, our drive to create durability to our strivings; Meaning, examines the breadth of ones’ sense of purpose and direction from a materialistic, self-focused perspective to a transcendent perspective that sees ones’ life as one step in a larger ontological life path; Worthiness, which examines to extent to which people believe that their lives are of value.
  • Research has shown that this measure is valid for use with all people, regardless of their religious affiliations, or lack thereof. Scores predict a number of important psychosocial (e.g., wellbeing, meaning, coping) and clinical (e.g., depression, anxiety, characterological impairment) outcomes.
  • The NMI also has a validated observer rating version that can be used when either a self-report is not obtainable or as a complement to a self-report. Can be used in couples counseling where the existential sensitivities of each member can be assessed and examined through the lens of his/her partner.
  • Large normative sample provides a useful context for understanding and interpreting the scores of individuals. Raw scores are transformed to T-scores having a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, and are also adjusted for age and gender effects. This scale is an ideal element in any personality-based research study.
  • Manual contains useful interpretive and technical information about the scale. SPSS-based programs are included that enable high volume scoring of obtained scores as well as programs for evaluating the structural validity of the instrument across samples.
  • Brief measure (22 items) that can be completed in less than four minutes. This makes the scale convenient for use in a number of different clinical and research contexts. Item content does not contain any religious or theological language, making it acceptable for believers and nonbelievers.
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